Sunday, October 13
A Growing Global Community

Monthly Archives: January, 2013

By David Stitt For professionals who believe in the need for having a plan to guide an individual, it is important that young people entering the industry have knowledge and experience in how to develop a comprehensive financial plan that informs, educates, and motivates clients to take appropriate action in order to meet their goals. Every profession needs a steady stream of educated new entrants in the field to replace those who leave. The average age of planning organizations is getting older and there is a real need for new, fresh blood to reenergize and to be ready to carry…

By Ed Morrow Currently I live in one of the most Republican of Districts, Ohio #8. It is so gerrymandered that there is no effective opposition to our current Representative, John Boehner. Unfortunately neither the Speaker of the House nor any other member of the Republican Congressional majority have read the U.S. Constitution where it is clearly stated who has the responsibility to correct fiscal foolishness. Article 1 – Section 7 All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other Bills. The Constitution does not…