By Nick Royer, IARFC Board Member April is designated as Financial Literacy Month. The best place to start is right in your own home, your own family. Teaching your kids from the beginning the value of using money wisely is a responsibility as a parent and responsible citizen. When I grew up, my parents taught me to SAVE. That’s a word rarely used these days as it seems the word SAVE has been replaced by the word SPEND. Spend even if you don’t have it to spend. The philosophy has changed and unfortunately the future generations will have less saved…
Monthly Archives: April, 2013
Listen to webinar featuring Ed Morrow discussing Buy/Sell seminar in Chicago. On May 17th, Ed Morrow will be conducting a Business Owner Consulting Workshop as part of a 2-day Buy/Sell Business Transition Seminar (May 16th & 17th) hosted by The Wealth Preservation Institute. Day 1 will feature prominent attorney Jim Duggan, founding principal of Duggan Bertsch, LLC a Chicago-based business, tax, estate and wealth planning firm comprised of attorneys and accountants. Jim will approach his part of the seminar from the legal and numbers aspect. Day 2 will be Ed Morrow talking about marketing to business owners and how to…
By Ed Morrow After reviewing over a thousand personal financial plans, I am amazed at how few of them attempt to relate the time, trouble and fees of the plan with the ultimate benefits that are achieved. Suppose the client paid a fee of $1,000 and we do not include all the time gathering facts, determining objectives and reviewing the Plan documentation. If the recommendations achieve an improvement of $10,000 in ten years, we might say the present value of that is $5,000. If a client pays $1,000 and receives a benefit of $5,000 then we have an improvement of…