By Ed Morrow No matter how much you learn about offering strategic financial planning to business owners and professional practitioners – you will achieve nothing unless you are successful in making the initial presentation to an interested, qualified prospect. The purpose of Drip Marketing is to warm up your prospect, attract their interest in the topics presented and build their respect for your knowledge. Gradually Drip Marketing will develop a bond with the prospect that sufficiently motivates them to grant you an appointment to make a presentation. The IARFC presents a new half day Drip Marketing Workshop in Middletown on…
Month: June 2013
By Ed Morrow In a recent entry on this blog I discussed whether the plans you are producing make sense. Just to keep the math simple and not frighten away the RFC members who have not yet charged fees, I suggested the benefit of $10,000 in the future might have a present value of $5,000 which would be a healthy return on a $1,000 Plan Fee. Forget that! Let’s get real! If your clients really value your financial advice they will pay a lot more. $3,000 would be the minimum and $5,000 average and some planners are charging up to…