Those who are attending the 2018 IARFC Biltmore Conference will have the opportunity to hear Author Ric Edelman, RFC® expand on topics from his latest book – “The Truth About Your Future”. According to the Book Review, you will learn: Why you’re likely to live much longer, and enjoy good health much longer than you realize – and the impact on your financial future; How you must alter your plans to shift from the familiar linear lifeline (school-job-retirement-death)to the new cyclical lifeline; The importance of Career Planning – even if you’re in your 50s or 60s – and how to…
Month: March 2018
The International Association of Registered Financial Consultants (IARFC) recently voted on officer positions for the current Board of Directors. These members assume their position of President and Treasurer immediately, thus joining the other officers as part of the IARFC Executive Board – leading the way for Association advancement and improvement. Re-elected as President is Peter J. D’Arruda, MRFC. He is the president and founding principal of his own firm – Capital Financial Advisory Group with 25 years as an investment advisor and fiduciary. Known as “Coach Pete” to most of his clients and radio show listeners, he will continue his…
Starting with the Fall issue of 2018, the new editor of the Journal of Personal Finance is Benjamin Cummings, Ph.D., CFP®, RFC®. He succeeds editors Wade D. Pfau, Ph.D., CFA, RFC® and Walt Woerheide, Ph.D., ChFC®, CFP®, MRFC who have successfully provided the Association with insightful academic research on pertinent financial issues. Dr. Cummings areas of expertise include Charitable Giving, Education Planning Issues, Estate Planning, Financial Planning, Financial Planning Software & Technology, Individual Income Tax Planning, Life Insurance Planning, Life Insurance Practices, Portfolio Management, and Retirement Planning. Currently he is the Associate Professor of Behavioral Finance at The American College…
The 2018 Spring Issue of the Journal of Personal Finance is now available from the International Association of Registered Financial Consultants (IARFC). This practitioner oriented distinctive publication promotes research to examine the impact of financial issues on households as well as research on the practice and profession of financial planning. Initiated in 2002, the Journal of Personal Finance has grown in scope, acceptance and recognition among practitioners and academicians. The Journal welcomes articles from practicing financial professionals and consultants about financial products and services, client relationships, retirement planning, long-term care, practice management, and firm operational efficiencies. This is the last…