Tuesday, January 14
A Growing Global Community

Yearly Archives: 2018

The IARFC now has a consumer oriented radio program and podcast listing on the Association website  www.iarfc.org.  The listing provides the public with links to viewpoints from our Association consultants and provides visibility for those who are listed. For inclusion on this page: Person submitting the Radio and Podcast must be a current member of the IARFC. Submission must include: Cover image Image size 400 x 400 pixels In jpeg, png or tiff format Description of the radio program or podcast (50 words) Link to the consultants program or podcast Submissions should be sent to randy@iarfc.org. Utilize your IARFC Benefits – get…

The International Association of Registered Financial Consultants (IARFC) has developed a new white paper for members entitled, The Power of Media. Based on information experienced by IARFC President “Coach Pete” D’Arruda, MRFC of Capital Finance and Insurance, LLC, this instructive write up gives the novice an introduction into the world of media options for the independent financial consultant. The white paper provides strategies and advice as to setting up a plan of execution and performance. While not intended as a comprehensive guide, it suggests starting points of the media outlets that are open to the “average consultant”. D’Arruda feels these…

The July/August issue of the Register focuses on a consultant’s ability to break down complicated financial topics for the average investor. Cliff Walsh, RFC®, a constant writer and contributor to the publication discusses the importance of discipline and emotion control when communicating with clients about their investments. Walsh is the current Vice President of Asset Management at American Portfolios Financial Services, Inc. (AP) in Holbrook, NY. Before joining AP in October 2017, Walsh served as the Chief Investment Officer of Progressive Advisory Solutions, LLC where he oversaw the company’s investment process, portfolio management and risk controls. He has also served as…

So often financial consultants can really make a difference in the lives of their clients. Sometimes it is a noticeable change, sometimes you don’t hear about it until months or years later. It is why many financial consultants are in the consulting business – they want to help people. For that reason, the IARFC has adopted this mantra, BE THE CHANGE, for their Annual Conference in Nashville,  TN  next March. The more professional and knowledgeable you are as a consultant, the more you can give your clients the help and support they need. In Nashville, you will have the opportunity…

The International Association of Registered Financial Consultants (IARFC) announces the opening of registration for the 2019 National Financial Plan Competition. The IARFC extends its invitation to professors and their undergraduate students enrolled in Financial Services curriculums to participate in the production of a comprehensive personal financial plan based on uniform sample data provided. The competition allows for extensive learning opportunities. Individual students or teams of two are sent a fictional case narrative and… Initially develop a personal financial plan following submission guidelines As a semi-finalist present the plan to a panel of financial professionals As a finalist, explain their…

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