Month: November 2020

The MRFC Board of Directors is calling for participation from all Master Registered Financial Consultants (MRFC®) in getting the word out about the credential and sitting for the exam. In the February issue of the Register, there will be a sounding off of those who became MRFCs and why they chose to obtain the credential. If you have a story to tell about your path to the MRFC, the editor would like to hear from you. You can turn in a 400-600 word article answering the question – “Why I became a Master Registered Financial Consultant.” It can be submitted…

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IARFC Members,   In honor of the founder of the IARFC John “Jack” Gargan, the Founder’s Award is presented to persons who have delivered significant service to the operation and growth of the International Association of Registered Financial Consultants. Criteria for the Founder’s Award Past or present Board Director, Officer, or Committee MemberProfessional designation or credential holder awarded by the IARFCClean regulatory record Member of good standing for a minimum of 5 years.Adhere to the IARFC Code of Ethics Most importantly, they must have contributed to the growth of the IARFC membership by referring members and by holding or attending events…

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