Monday, September 16
A Growing Global Community

Catch up on the International Chapter News

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GlobeWant to find out what is going on with the international chapters?  The Register is now reporting on events and current news from offshore.  The Jan/Feb issue features photos of the Greater China IARFC Conference in Taiwan, and the latest RFC graduation ceremony in Macau.

The international community grows in numbers annually and is a viable quotient of our Association.  We are bonded together through the mission of the IARFC. Though the cultures are different, the goals of the IARFC are the same: adherence to a professional Code of Ethics and a focus on continuing education for our members…..IARFC Chairman H. Stephen Bailey.

Connect to your RFCs in Asia and see their progression in the field of Financial Services.  You can visit their websites through the IARFC International Portal.

Note:  Qualified financial professionals from any country may apply for the RFC designation. Approval is based on meeting the same standards as those in the U.S. with adjustments considering different institutions, educational courses and licensing.


Click register image 2here to read this full Register spread…


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