Saturday, November 2
A Growing Global Community

Chairman’s Desk – The Importance of Belonging

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From the IARFC Chairman – Steve BaileyBailey, Steve

As we go into the closing months of 2015 and my first year of Chairman of the IARFC, I would like to impress upon our members what the IARFC is about and what we aim to achieve.

We are in the membership business – and no other.  Our true strengths are the relationships we promote, the training we offer and the tools we develop for the Financial Consultants and their brand. We are an educational association – and I mean total education not just book education. Our members can mix and mingle with people who have been in the business forty and fifty years. You are able to sit down and talk to those who have been successful and discover their secrets of achievement. You can gather perspectives other than your own.


Do You Really Get It?

I’m not so sure that members really get what we are about – they just want to have the three letters after their name and that is the only thing they want. I think some RFCs are not even sure how to present themselves as an RFC®.

Stop and think about what those letters really mean – RFC®. You are a Registered Financial Consultant, registered by an association in the financial industry. You have maintained a level of integrity and experience – something of which to be proud.   You are a CONSULTANT that is an expert in many different fields – not just a one product salesman. That is the beauty of understanding who we are.

Unfortunately, I feel we are not presenting ourselves properly to the public and within our own organization.   Have you looked at the Tri-fold Brochure that describes an RFC® lately? It talks about the high standards of education, experience and integrity of an RFC®. It describes an RFC® as a professional interested in Continued Education and the Financial Planning Process that guides the client through a healthy client/consultant relationship. You should be handing these brochures out to every potential prospect. If you don’t have an inventory of these, visit the IARFC store and start utilizing this important tool.


Now – For the Future

With the evolution of an association, complacency can set in and membership can stagnate. We are working internally to raise ourselves to a higher level. We are looking to upgrade our status to an accredited association – one of more prestige – a higher level. It is not an easy task – but this will be a designation that stands out in the industry and which all of us should strive to achieve. What we ask of the membership next year – starting 2016 is… STICK WITH US.   We are going to need your help and backing as we move forward.


I Give You a Membership Challenge

Have you replaced yourself lately?   This was the question I asked individuals when I was a Membership Chairman for other associations in the past that resulted in doubling membership numbers. You are not going to be around forever. Who is going to replace you in our Association? Look to other associates and the younger generation of financial professionals and encourage them to get on board with the IARFC.  It benefits all of us.

May the upcoming Holidays be a time of prosperity and reflection of the blessing we all have in our lives.



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