Monday, September 16
A Growing Global Community

Daily Goal Setting

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By Micah Shilanski, RFC

An exert from his upcoming interview in the Jan/Feb Register

Every morning, yes every morning, I wake up and spend the first 30 to 60 minutes getting my head in the right frame of mind. I spend 10-15 minutes writing out my goals for the day. I am a big fan of technology and being paperless, but for this exercise I put pen to paper. I have a nice binder and write down my goals every single day.

Once I have all my goals written down, I start listing out what I need to do that day to meet those goals.

Then I watch or listen to motivational or inspirational information. YouTube is full of great 10 to 30 minute videos you can watch. Tony Robins also has a lot of videos on YouTube or you can buy his information online.

I do not watch market information first thing in the morning – that is the quickest way to get a negative mindset.

I want everything that happens during my morning routine to set a positive tone for the day. I want to start each day knowing that I can make a difference in people’s lives and help them reach their goals.

Micah Shilanski’s entire Register Interview will be published in the 2014 JAN/FEB Register.


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