Available in the IARFC Store NOW!
Have you recently been granted your “Ethics Approved” Status? A visual reminder to those clients and prospects visiting your office is our Ethics Approved Plaque now available on the IARFC Store.
In this day and age where ethics is a factor in choosing and keeping a financial consultant, this approval is more critical than ever. This is more than just a branding opportunity, it is testament to your high standards – and the IARFC stands behind you.
The Path to Being “Ethics Approved”
The IARFC Team reviews all membership renewals submitted to the Association and rewarding members for their long-term commitment to the IARFC Code of Ethics. They check FINRA records, state licensing records and even conduct an internet search of each member’s name. Reviewed history includes personal or business bankruptcies, compromised credit issues, any pending customer disputes, regulatory events and/or criminal misdemeanors or felonies.
Members need to have a clean record for the preceding five (5) years in order to qualify for the Ethics Approved Program. Members who meet these standards will receive an embossed seal stating they are “Ethics Approved” with the year of the review and is effective for two years.
“We feel that this additional check is our obligation to the public who needs assurance of the integrity of their financial professional,” explained Chairman H. Stephen Bailey. “The public is more educated than ever and needs assurance of the background of their financial professional and their adherence to a Code of Ethics.”
Ordering is Easy
The Ethics Approved plaque may be purchased through the IARFC Store. Order yours today.