The International Association of Registered Financial Consultants (IARFC®) has released the Fall Issue of the Register, a national industry publication available online at www.iarfc.org and in print through subscription on the IARFC store. In this issue, articles discuss “Year End Accountability” and “Goal Setting” plus Association updates.
Most exciting is the 40th Celebration & Conference to be held at the Biltmore Estate® in Asheville, NC April of 2024. Join us for this Association milestone by networking with peers while attending valuable practice building CE sessions – all within the exquisite setting that is Biltmore! Save the Date – more information will be out very soon.
Jeremy Nason, RFC® of Insurance Pro Shop is our Member Focus this month. With amazing passion for his Financial Services vocation, Nason makes it his personal mission to “Help average agents become elite advisors”. He pays tribute to those who have been his career mentors by giving us the wisdom he received – thus the commitment to pass it on to others. His dedication to the IARFC was recently in the forefront as a co-coordinator of the IARFC Virtual Practice Building Summit.
Trustee Chair Barry L. Dayley, MRFC® was well connected with the IARFC International Chapters this past Summer. Pictures and commentary from his recent travels highlight the exciting events taking place in Indonesia, the Philippines, Greater China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau. As a presenter at the International Dragon Awards in Haikou, China and Taipei, Taiwan, Dayley forged positive relationships with the international leaders. Register highlights show the dedication and professionalism of these groups.
Contributed Articles include:
- End the Year Strong by Uncovering Business
- As a Financial Professional – Getting Started in the Industry Can Likely Take One of Two Forms
- Are You Holding Yourself Accountable to Your Clients and Prospects?
- Tax Advantaged Exit Strategy
- The Joy of Delivering Accountability to Clients
- Working Collaborations – CPA and Financial Consultant
In Memorium, the Register features the life and financial services career of Ed Morrow who passed away this past September. There is a very detailed and well achieved obituary that relates his influence on the IARFC which can still be felt today.
Other news relates to the IARFC asking for nominations for the Founder’s Award, a new Journal of Personal Finance and articles from the IARFC Trustee Chair and CEO.
To access the Register, visit the IARFC website. Those interested in sharing with others about their practice and being published can reach out to editor Susan Cappa at editor@iarfc.org. The new 2024 Editorial Calendar gives guidelines on the upcoming themes.