Saturday, November 2
A Growing Global Community

It’s All a Case of Balance

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Exerts from Michelle Blair, RFC “Pearl’s” article in the September Register.

If we thought that technology was changing quickly 30 years ago, watch out for the future!  Before, we would measure major change cycles in years, but today there is something new and exciting on a daily basis.  For instance:

    • Everyone maintains their “life” on a phone or tablet these days
    • We use Skype on a daily basis
    • An Outlook calendar sees “where” everyone is
    • CRM maintains our database
    • Financial plans are entered into software
    • Branding yourself on social media is the way to go.

NEVER let the personal touch go by the wayside. People still relate to a human voice and appreciate an old fashioned phone call instead of a text or email. It’s all a case of balance!

For the entire article – check the “Pearls” article How Has Technology Affected Daily Operations in Your Business in the Last 30 Years? of the September edition of the Register.


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