From the Accreditation Team
The MRFC Certification Board is now in place and ready to start working on accreditation. This governing body – independent of the IARFC Board of Directors is a required component by the NCCA. It is their responsibility to oversee and maintain the accreditation from development to NCCA submission to post acceptance. It was made very clear that they are in charge.
Your newly elected board members are: Nicolas Pologeorgis, Louise Fallica, Edward Skelly, Burton Stewart and Julie Friend. On October 30th, the Board had their first meeting with the IARFC accreditation team via GoToMeeting.
The initial meeting was a basic housekeeping agenda – with details of communication protocols, terms of office and a general awareness of where the IARFC is in the accreditation process. Dr. Nicolas Pologeorgis was elected Chairman of the Board. The accreditation timeline was reviewed as to where we are with the exam process and what we need to do to meet the goals.
Board members are meeting the first Tuesday of every month and plan to have an in-person meeting once a year. They will be updating the members as they go along with this process. Any questions can be address to Amy Primeau – – who is the MRFC Board Liaison.