Monday, September 16
A Growing Global Community

Thomas W. Young, RFC® – Just Getting Started

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November/December Register

The International Association of Registered Financial Consultants (IARFC) interviews Thomas W. Young RFC® of 1st Consultant Inc. located in Beaver, PA for the November/December Issue of the Register. As a financial professional, published author, experienced speaker and radio personality, Thomas Young feels like he is “Just Getting Started!”

Young’s career began in 1976 selling life insurance door to door. He transitioned from auto mechanic to insurance agent quickly, realizing results and impressing company management.


“With no college, insurance knowledge or real background other than being self-employed in my own business, I plowed forward in my first year to become office leader out of 65 agents,” recounts Young. “The company took notice and offered me sales manager position.”

As a sales manager, Young continued to produce until ultimately he resigned to start his own insurance company – a journey that continues to this day. What fuels his passion started with delivering a $5000 family policy check to a brand new Life Insurance client when their 6 month old passed away.

“My client and I cried over the loss, remembers Young. “From that experience grew the drive that I still maintain today in helping people.”

Over the years, Young has developed a career as a radio show personality and a book author. During that time, he honed his ability to communicate and found his talent to regurgitate information distinctly.

“It is the number one compliment I receive when I explain things – people just seem to understand” muses Young.

Professionally, Young has been a member of the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) for over 27 years and a a Registered Financial Consultant (RFC®) for 16 years. His belief is that the continuing education required by the IARFC to maintain the RFC® designation encourages consultants to reach a high level of success.

One career dream is realized through his website Young’s main goal is to educate the consumer. Agents with similar philosophies can rent personalized access to this site and utilize the educational webinars and software to help their clients craft a positive financial future.

When asked about mentors during his journey, Young is quick to point out those who have helped him along the way and that he subscribes to a book entitled “Acres of Diamonds”. The book puts forth the belief that all the success necessary in our lives and businesses lies in our own backyard. As a lifetime resident of Beaver County in Western PA, he stays close to his roots and feels those in his own “backyard community” have helped him realize a very meaningful and lucrative career.

“We find that our members come from very diverse and sometimes very humble beginnings,” comments IARFC Chairman and CEO H. Stephen Bailey, MRFC. “But what is a common thread in all of us is that basic instinct to help people. We live to change and enhance lives. Thomas Young’s life history is a perfect example.”

To enjoy the entire interview with Thomas Young, RFC®, visit

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